Two Books to Transform Your Life and Business.

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Take the first step towards mastering your cash flow, finances, and life!

Master Your Cash Flow
Amazon Books
Master Your Business Cash Flow
Amazon Books

Master Your Cash Flow

Learn how to make the 100% correct financial choices all of the time, both small and large, to live the life you want now, build your wealth and achieve your financial goals faster. Trusted CPA and renown wealth advisor Al Zdenek’s powerful and easily doable advice helps you lessen the stress and anxiety in your life, make better financial choices, and achieve financial independence in a time frame that is reasonable for you. If you are ready to learn straightforward and valuable information that you can apply immediately, look no further than this book. This is the first book in the Master Your Cash Flow® series.

Master Your Business Cash Flow

The decisions you make in your business affect both you, your loved ones and your team. If you make poor business financial choices, both you and your team will ultimately pay for it. Learn actionable and easily-understandable advice from Al’s real-world experience. Navigate financial choices with confidence and a sound understanding of cash flow. You’ll learn why cash is the oxygen for any business. Without that oxygen even great products, great services, and great people cannot flourish. Get past the fear and anxiety of unforeseen situations that can bankrupt your dreams as a CEO, business owner, or manager responsible for financial decisions. Al’s authentic and vulnerable approach in teaching you lessons from his experience are worth gold to your ability to live the life you want now and in the future. This is the second book in the Master Your Cash Flow® series.

“Al’s storytelling in Master Your Business Cash Flow made me feel in a real and raw way how critical cash flow planning and decision making is to both the short- and long-term health of businesses.”

— Author and Speaker

Richard Cancro

Found and CEO


“Master Your Cash Flow is a book that should be read by everyone the day before they receive their first paycheck. Nothing happens without a plan, and our financial security cannot be left to chance.”

Bruce Raiffe



“Al Zdenek has shown how everyone can achieve their financial success and lifestyle by consistently making the right financial choices to accumulate wealth and to transform your life.”

Andrew Putterman


1812Park, LLC

My goal for these books is to answer any potential questions you may have, as clearly as I can; to give you a process for making better financial decisions like a well-run business; and to inspire you to master your cash flow to achieve the life you wish to lead now and in the future.