You probably have a routine in the morning. Perhaps you wake up, brew a pot of coffee, and then go for a run. Or maybe you’re more inclined to leisurely sip your latte while reading the paper before showering and going into work? Whatever your daily ritual is, there’s probably a reason why: you know you won’t exercise in the evening, so you like to get it out of the way. Or a morning run gets your brain going. Perhaps your days are jam-packed, so you like to use the mornings as a time to relax and prepare for the day ahead. But you’ve got a standard operating procedure for your morning — and a reason behind it.
But could you name the procedures or processes you have in place for selecting a money manager or financial advisor? For example, when we select money or fund managers, we look for those who deliver good performance over the long term, have a below-average risk profile for their style of investing, and stay consistent in their investing approach. We have processes and procedures in place to accomplish this.
There should be a methodology behind how you selected the person in charge of your money. These people will play a heavy hand in shaping your future, and you should know their thought processes and beliefs on managing money.
The most important considerations in selecting an investment advisor are their philosophy, approach, and methodology. You should know your advisor’s thought process on how to save for the life you want in the future. For us, that’s the Wealth Building Formula®. We take into account the life you’re living now, the one you want to be living, and how to make that happen both in the present and the future. Our approach is a personal one: learning what you want out of your financial journey. And our methodology is using math to help you achieve these goals more efficiently (geometric compounding, utilizing tax breaks, etc.).
When you’re looking for an investment advisor, we suggest an independent, registered investment advisor (RIA). That means that you want a professional who is only going to make decisions in your best interests, not a company’s. If you are not using an RIA, you are most likely using a broker. Brokers aren’t always held to as high a fiduciary standard. If you want to get unbiased advice based on what is in your best interests, always choose an independent RIA, especially one who finds money managers or funds for you and does not offer proprietary funds (ones they own) or receive any compensation from a money manager. The only fee your advisor should be receiving is from you, not from cuts or tie-ins from other people or parties.
Can your financial advisor answer these questions for you? Do you know the answers off the top of your head? Visit for more information on how to select a financial advisor that best suits your needs.