Don’t Let the Tax Man Get You Down

Come April 15th, it’s easy to get upset about the money you have to pay the government. But what if there was a way that a person’s hard-earned dollars did not have to go straight to Uncle Sam — or at least not all of them. No, I’m not talking about tax evasion, but...

Use Taxes to Your Advantage

Every April 15 we have to pay the tax man. Or, if you’re lucky, receive a refund for overpaying him. But what if I told you there was a way to use the tax system to your advantage? For example, let’s presume you have a few million dollars saved, but due to various...

What You Should Know About Cash Flow Funnels

We’ve often talk about cash flow, but what does it really mean? I find the best way to describe cash flow is through the analogy of a funnel, or actually three funnels. There’s the first funnel, the cash that flows into their lives from a paycheck. Withholding taxes...

How Do You Make Better Financial Choices?

As consumers, we’re inundated with choices every day — from the coffee we make in the morning to the gas we put in our cars, the shoes on our feet or the business attire we wear. But those decisions don’t stop when you stop purchasing consumer items. In fact, they...